Monday, November 29, 2010

I Just Quit the NEWS

I'm going on 3 weeks without picking up a newspaper or watching FOX 5 Blues uhhh I mean news. I was reading a book called The 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss where he recommended not reading the newspaper because there is more to be accomplished in the time it takes to read the paper such as reading a book on business or whatever your career goal is focused on. Self improvement etc etc. But he also touched on an important point which is human contact. We can have great conversations about what's going on in the news by just asking " So what's going on in the news today" or "Anything exciting happening in the world today" This will trigger a conversation that does not include a keyboard and a strong cup of coffee. Plus the news can really bum your day out with all its reports of death disasters and peeping Tom's. I want to know what's going on, I do NOT want to know what's going to happen to me if I do this or that. I don't want to live in fear because they just discovered that toothpaste causes cancer or AA batteries emit a faint toxin that will cause men to go bald....Damn that TV remote! LOL....No but seriously in this time I have been able to be surprised by news instead of inundated by it via twitter, facebook, fox 5, and whatever feeds I have pumping into my droid phone.

Good News
  1. Inclement weather forecast tells me to get outta dodge quickly
  2. Metro Delays due to a customer who choked on a Chicken McNugget that he wasn't supposed to be eating ANYway-Expect Delays
  3. Government Offices are Closed... I don't care about the reason I'm in my jammies doing the running man.
  4. They cancelled Skating with the Stars due to new Concussion laws passed by Congress.
Bad News
  1. School Shooting
  2. Public Transportation Shooting
  3. Mailroom Shooting
  4. Shooting another season of American Idol
Well you guys/gals get the point.

Read with your eyes and ears not just with your thumbs and eyes (c) (REMIND ME TO COPYRIGHT THAT)

Is it better to speak to someone and touch them or to txt them and miss them? Happens all the time believe it or not. It gets to be like junk mail. you grab a handful of them and trash them.


Exactly my point!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kanye vs Bush

I think Kanye West  fell victim to the media hype machine that usually surrounds a new album release date or in Diddy's case any product that needs a FREE push in the public eye. George Bush and his "people" had all eyes on the two emotional icons for the release of President Bush's  new book of memoirs called "Decision Points". Didn't get a chance to read it but based on some excerpts it will make a fine door stop in the back of Macambo Lounge. Hey if Kanye's off the cuff comment about Bush was the worst moment of his presidency then I shutter to think what he felt about all those hilarious SNL skits dedicated to his idiocy, I mean tomfoolery. I bet it has him burning up inside.........NOT! Here is the deal, when two presidents respond to Kanye West  [note: President Obama called West a "Jackass"] in a negative fashion either he is doing something right or something wrong (For his career) which is right anyway because that's thousands of new people who were at the verge of forgetting Kanye that now are like "Hmmm let me see what this guy is talking about". We don't care about feelings people we care about sensationalism. Drama. Tragedies that we can witness from thousands of miles away in our safe living rooms. So at the end of the day Bush sold a few more copies of his book because hey he dissed West and West will sell a few more units because this will make folks forget the Taylor Swift incident. It's a win win right?

Monday, November 8, 2010

1 Year Anniversary

November 9th 2009 {Wedding Vows}

I, Dr. Manwine, take you, Sugar Bailey to be my partner, best friend, better half and wife.
I realize now that the compassion and honesty that you have shared with me has changed
my life forever. Waking up to your smile is a satisfaction that is unmatched. I look forward to holding
your paint covered hands as we walk confident on the road less traveled. Our souls were made
to dance so I promise that our sweet music will be everlasting. You make me laugh and even
inspire me to stop and smell the roses. There is something about the way you unconditionally
dedicate yourself to what we have that allows me to trust you with my heart.
I know that the word Love is easy to say, and the act of Loving takes time and patience,
But I promise that the Love I have for you will endure forevermore because it is True.

Looking back on my wedding vows I see that we have endured the highs and lows together. So a year later this is what I have to add....

365 Days (Lovers Calendar)

360 degrees is a complete thought. Round like the ring as a reminder of the simple things
you got me going in circles, day in and day out surrounded by your passion for life
The sun rise reflects in your every breath, warm words and cool heads are bound to intersect.
What we planned we laid down a foundation over land through thick thickets and our bird is in hand.
Smiling little ones, freshly baked confections induce free smiles as the children do their cupcake dance.
Tears for what is difficult yet easier the following day. Holding hands while being plugged into the same 
itunes. Musically stroked into form the words are never too much but just placeholders for fond memories.
Silent car rides speaking telepathically through a glance a smile and a notion.
The framework of our dreams started a year ago today hammering home the first kiss you guessed it WE Nailed It!
Body forming two S's close enough to watch your dreams, kissing your forehead always triggers a smile.
Watching your tears your laughter or your rage for injustice all validate the state that we are in like license plates.
Marriage is not a perfect Science hell it's not always about the English you put on the ball or how you do the Math but more if you learn from your History and move on from the Past.
I want you to trust that I am your Rock over time evolving into fine grains of sand for which you can leave footprints and Love notes.

I Love you Mrs. Taylor!!!

Let's Do It AGAIN

Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Days 30 Nights

Hey people!

It's been almost 30 days since I have ran my fingers over the keyboard and blessed you with a prescription for life, love and discomfort. Problems with Metro? [check] Problems with traffic? [check] Computer Problems? [CHECK]. I have been all over the place in the last month taking pictures and having some interesting conversations but one thing I have noticed is that there is no shortage of high maintenance, low wattage humans in the world. High maintenance is defined as those that need to be reassured of their worth and their value with an emotional deposit accompanied my a monetary dessert. Low wattage are the folks that are just not that bright in simplest terms. They are the ones who talk text and spread cream cheese on their bagels while driving. They work at the DMV or answer phones at your utility company. Heck they might even be your boss! So navigating through these treacherous waters takes a special type of person. My wife and I came up with a name for these type of people, "OBLIVIONS" Oblivious to how their inability to make a U-turn causes a ripple effect across town. Keep a bird count. How many times are you flipping the bird or better yet how many times has some Oblivion flipped you for laying on the horn to bring attention to their idiocracy? It's amazing! I know this sounds like a negative rant but oh no its an alert to those who just want to get to work or get home on time.

Report your IDIOT aka Oblivion spotting today in the comment section and WIN 30 minutes of LOL

Saturday, August 21, 2010 Designs Launch Party 8-19-2010

This was truly an awesome event. The perfect mix of people, sweet treats and DIY vivacity. There were quite a few business owners in attendance and folks who cherish fresh ideas with a twist. If you missed it you really should stick your head in the freezer for 23 minutes because your senses have been painfully dulled by your deprivation from HOTNESS. Not to worry DIYva Designs has much more in store in the near future. Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone with the Apple Peel 520

The Apple Peel 520 is a silicone rubber case that wraps around an iPod touch and straps it to a SIM card slot, a dock connector, and a battery. It is produced by startup Yosion Technology and is tentatively priced at RMB 388 apiece, or US$57 -- that’s almost 13 times cheaper than the official retail price for the Apple iPhone on the Chinese mainland. The gadget was invented by a 24-year-old Chinese graduate who felt it “inconvenient to have a mobile and an iPod Touch at the same time,” the South China Morning Post reported. Don't we all. To enable calling and texting, users would have to jailbreak their iPods to install Yosion and YsSMS apps.Here’s a translation of what Chinese reviewer PC Online has to say about the product: “Apple Peel’s tonal quality is excellent, voices came through loudly and clearly... basically there is no difference from an ordinary mobile phone.” The downsides? “Users might receive periodic blank texts if there are missed calls... the monitor failed to light up automatically when we made calls. Also, we couldn’t hang up on incoming received calls.”One of the brothers behind the firm told the South China Morning Post that once the intellectual property rights of the Apple Peel have been cleared, it'll be ready to be mass produced overnight.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Morris Day & The Time (wiki wiki wiki wiki)

From time to time (no pun intended) when I get bored or feel the urge to get in famous people's business I go to Wikipedia to find out the back story to some of the most influential people of my generation. I love Prince and Morris Day & The Time but I never knew he was such a JERK towards them. Prince is a genius but this kind of shows how being an a$$hole can really kill a lot of the talent you have around you for the soul purpose of feeding your own ego. This is a great story of Love, Hate, Betrayal and entertainment. 

The band was assembled under a clause in Prince's contract with Warner Bros. that allowed him to recruit and produce other artists for the label. Inspired by the 1980 film The Idolmaker, Prince decided to put together a pop-funk group that would serve as an outlet for material in the vein of his own early albums, while he explored other genres and styles in his own career.[1]
By 1981, he had built The Time out of an existing Minneapolis funk unit, "Flyte Time" (from the Donald Byrd song), which featured Jellybean Johnson on drums, Jimmy Jam and Monte Moir on keyboards, and Terry Lewis on bass. To this base were added Jesse Johnson on guitar and a lead singer and childhood friend named Morris Day, and Jerome Benton who was a promoter drawn from another local band called "Enterprise", who became Day's comic foil. Prince had used an Enterprise song, "Partyup", on his Dirty Mind album, and his selection of Day was essentially a reward; he had originally tapped Alexander O'Neal - yet another player in the Minneapolis Uptown funk scene - for the vocalist slot, but O'Neal wanted too much money, himself being quoted as saying, "I basically didn't see no point in being a superstar with no money."
The band went on to release four albums (mostly performed by Prince + singer Morris Day alone) during the course of their main career, each a solid slice of jammy, rock-infused 80s funk, generally light and humorous in tone, strongly influenced by Parliament - and, of course, Prince. Although they scored numerous hits (including "The Bird", "Jungle Love", "777-9311", "Get It Up", "Gigolos Get Lonely Too", "The Walk" and "Cool", mostly on the R&B charts) during the early 1980s, they never approached superstardom.[1] But as good as they were, they weren't allowed to play a note on their debut album. Prince recorded all the music himself, crediting the production to Jamie Starr and Morris Day, who at least was allowed to sing on the record, but was forced to follow Prince's guide vocals note-for-note.
A growing rivalry began to develop between the two groups, as The Time toured with Prince and his band during his 1982 Controversy Tour. Frustrated with their lack of input on the albums bearing their name and being underpaid, The Time would take to the stage with the purpose of showing up Prince, much the same way Prince and his band undermined Rick James when they toured with him as James' opening act. (Unlike what happened during Rick James' Light it Up tour, no one was leaving before the headliner, Prince, finished his set.) The tension came to a head on the final night of the tour in Cincinnati during the Time's set when Prince and some of his cronies egged their supporting act from off stage. Things further escalated after The Time's performance when guitarist Jesse Johnson was handcuffed to a wall-mounted coat rack and further humiliated. Prince, of course, demanded no interruptions during his performance, but as soon as he left the stage, a food fight erupted. When the battle continued at the hotel, Prince made Morris Day pay for all damages, claiming that he had started the whole thing.[2]
During the 1983's 1999/Triple Threat tour, The Time were forced to play as Vanity 6's backing band from behind a curtain, before playing their own hour-long set with only a small pay increase. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, who had begun writing songs and production work of their own (working with SOLAR to produce Klymaxx and with Tabu Records to produce the S.O.S. Band), were stranded in Atlanta by a blizzard and failed to make it to a Time concert in San Antonio, for which Jerome had to mime playing bass guitar on stage while Prince played Lewis' part off stage, and Lisa stood in for Jimmy Jam. Subsequently, the duo were fined and then fired. Although Prince would state in a 1990 Rolling Stone's interview that he "didn't fire Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. Morris asked [him] what [he] would do in his situation. Remember, it was [Morris'] band." Whether their firing was due to the incident or to their increasing independence has never been clear. Monte Moir took the opportunity to leave as well, and would also work with Jam and Lewis. The three were replaced with Mark Cardenas and Paul Peterson on keyboards and Jerry Hubbard on bass. This new line up were featured in Prince's Purple Rain film. The Time rode the wave of popularity created by the movie and hit singles "Jungle Love" and "The Bird" and were household names in 1984. Unfortunately, the band was not to reap the benefits.
It was Day who left next after arguments with Prince, choosing to pursue a solo career in 1985 after a successful acting turn in Purple Rain. Soon thereafter, with Jesse Johnson also opting to go solo (taking other Time members Cardenas and Hubbard with him), the band disintegrated; the remaining members (Benton, Jellybean Johnson and Peterson) were reformed into a new short-lived project called The Family. Meanwhile, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis went on to become one of the most successful songwriting and production teams of the 80s and 90s.[1]
In 1990, the original six members of the band reunited for the Graffiti Bridge movie and soundtrack, as well as a new album, Pandemonium. The project was originally called Corporate World and was set to only feature Morris and Jerome, but Warner Bros. demanded that the original line-up be brought in if Prince wanted the company's backing for the movie. This spawned their highest selling single, "Jerk Out" and the album featured more input from the band than any other Time album. The reunion was short-lived, however - infighting within the band caused them to disband once again. Morris and Jerome have since remained a team, with both trying out some small acting roles over the next few years.[1]
Several members of The Time reunited in 1995, added a few new recruits and have remained together since. This version of the band can be seen in the Kevin Smith film Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and tours frequently to this day. The band is usually billed as "Morris Day and The Time".[1]
A fifth Time album is rumored to have been completed in the late 90s, recorded with the new lineup but production and coordination with Prince has prevented its release. The title Old Dogs, New Tricks was the working title. A 2004 album attributed to Morris Day called It's About Time contains a few new tracks written and performed by Day and a number of live performances by The Time.
The Time reunited at The 50th Grammy Awards on February 10, 2008 in a medley that included Rihanna and featured "Jungle Love."
In June and July 2008, all of the original members of The Time (Morris Day, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, Jesse Johnson, Jerome Benton, Jellybean Johnson, and Monte Moir) reunited once again for a series of shows at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.
A recent interview as of January 2009 mentions that guitarist Jesse "FunkFunk" Johnson states he is working with The Time on their upcoming album. The Time were scheduled to appear at The Fox Theater, in Detroit, Michigan on June 11th, 2010, with the original lineup. On June 13, 2010 the "magnificent 7" played a hometown reunion concert in Minneapolis, MN, and, during that concert, announced on stage that a new album was "90% complete,"[3] which confirmed information provided in a Billboard profile published a week earlier.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Eavesdropping on a gay conversation....

I am such a nosey person when I am in public spaces (Hey I get bored). I think strangers lives are
very intriguing to say the least. Some people speak publicly about very private things and
today it just happens to be the two gay dudes on the red line train. So here it goes. They look like regular dudes, one is bearded dressed very average while the other is wearing flip flops and a tank top.
Nothing flamboyant or stereotypical here. But the conversation is carried out with a Windy Williams-esk swagger shooting information back and forth with animated hands and body movements. You can tell they are just buddies heading into work or to the gym talking about the ups and downs of their week. What is so interesting is hearing a conversation with feminine embellishments coming from two seemingly regular dudes. It's like seeing a woman with a goatee or hearing a big strong dude with a itty bitty voice that sounds like Mickey Mouse (By the way there is a guy at the Amish market in Laurel with a voice like that that works in the candy section that will have you cracking up). Back to my ear hustling on the red line. They were talking bout something and someone but I couldn't get everything because I couldn't just stare, that's rude LOL but it's hard to not look at a person when you are nosing into their conversation because you have to read lips somewhat. At least I do but in this case I had to settle for bits and pieces. This blog is not about someone being gay or the Metro or high pitched voices but more about how folks are so loose with their personal information and I don't mean twitter stats or Facebook pics of you drunk at happy hour. I am referring to the girl who talk about the size of her partners "johnson" and how they did it in the back of the movie while watching Hot Tub Time Machine or the dude who admits he was eating something other than a tuna casserole and got a strange bump that won't go away. Some of it is just ignorance but some folks in my opinion need attention. They want you to know they spent "twelve hunnid dollaz" on a pair of designer jeans but they are riding the red line home from their job at Shoe City. WTF!

It's your life, share what you feel is necessary but try to keep in mind you might end up in my BLOG :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

iWatch is right on time....

If this is the future I'm really really feeling it. This is just a "concept" watch.

Grand verbalizer what time is it?

Sometimes You Have to Change the Channel

I'm thinking out loud as I often do and I have come to this conclusion, I enjoy meeting knew people with fresh ideas and energy. They help me re-center myself and refocus my attention on the ever changing list of priorities. I wear many hats and I have come to appreciate the challenges set before me. I also enjoy the sweet taste of victory or freeing up some money for a quick retreat with the family. Here at home it feels like we are watching CHANNEL ZERO with each day serving as a bland rerun. So with that observation I vow to change the channel and get out....... Of the Country! Follow me through the stages of planning and preparation as I plan a trip out of the USA. Stay Tuned.

STEP 1) Select a Destination.......

Prince Hates iTunes, Says 'Internet Is Completely Over'

Prince has announced that the internet is "over". The siner-songwriter will give away his new album 20Ten with copies of The Mirror and Daily Record on July 10. The album will not be available to download. Prince told The Mirror: "The internet's completely over. I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it." "The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you." Of the title of his new album, he added: "I just think it's a year that really matters. These are very trying times."

Dr. Manwine says, "I think Prince is right, the internet is dead. It's over populated and redundent and if in the wrong hands can be a big waste of time. But on the other hand the www is a great place to stumble upon new ideas or to further your mental reach as far as the world is concerned. I reccommend wikipedia and to randomly broaden your horizons. As far as music put on your hard hat and get ready to dig because the good stuff is buried deep beneath the surface."

Audi O's

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music

This is Awesome!!!

Old Spice is Craziness

These commercials are CRAZy but what's even more interesting is some guy is watching this and saying "Man I gotta stop at CVS and get me some of that"


Doc Out!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tears of a Clown? (Chris Brown)

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry step right up to the greatest show on earth! Don't forget your peanuts. Your popcorn. Your KLEENEX? Yes, last week we had the pleasure of witnessing a fairly decent BET awards show. There was the very preggo Alycia Keys and the Prince Liftime Achievment Award. But the side show didn't begin until Chris Breezy hopped on stage with a "riveting" Michael Jackson tribute cast behind a giant white screen. The silloutte moved like Mike and even grabbed his crotch like the King of Pop but when it was time to....Hand me my mirrror Jerome!... Chris brown broke down like a 1998 Ford Taurus on I-95 during a hot Memorial Day weekend- while singing Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror". When I saw it I was like "Wait for it, waaait for it" and then there you have it public sympothy (Just add water). I have been behind the scenes on a reality show and saw how the producers lead you into emotional situations to boost ratings after all Chris is worth more selling hot records than being the bad guy forever. For what its worth Rihanna made the most of the unfortunate situation and took her non singing ass to the top of the charts thanks to some free pub compliments of an ass whooping (Which is still uncalled for none the less). Chris, well, he wasn't so lucky. So in a room somewhere in L.A. the suits said we need to get this boy back on top, get him generating cash flow, have him smiling on a bottle of Snapple Mango Madness. So during rehersal they cleared out the Shrine Auditorium and pulled old Breezy to the side and said "Boy you better cry like Terry Crews just smacked the living Shiznitt outta ya so we can get this revenue flowing again. Hey, I don't blame Chris if he embelished on the weepage so he could win the fans back. He made a mistake, He apologized now let's move on. We should be more concerned about helping young men deal with violent tendencies instead of disowning them when they go out of control. I really like Chris Brown. I want to tell my son "See Chris is a real dude. He messed up, did some soul searching and came back stronger. Isn't that a LIFE lesson?

Just Saying!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Towed You So (The Dance of Sharks)

Today was the day that reality smacked me in the jawbone and changed my perspective for now. My wife and I was in Downtown Silver Spring for an important transaction with a client when we realized we needed to make change so we dashed into the Rite Aid for a quick in and out. As we returned to our vehicle 3.5 minutes later all hell broke out. As we got closer to our car we saw the "Shark", sharp metal teeth salivating over the prey it was soon to snare. This shark was a 6,000 pound tow truck backing up to devour our vehicle a long with our pocket books. As we ran towards the carefully orchestrated confusion two other dudes yelled out to warn the "Shark" that we were approaching which caused him to back up faster slamming into our car and hoisting it up in victory. When we approached the "Shark" he stated the OBVIOUS, "Ya'll Aint Sposed To Park Here!". We pleaded with the "shark" until it decide to show mercy...Ha Ha I'm saying that to be facetious. We paid him $40 to lower our car 2 feet... A got dang DROP FEE!!! Are you serious? Then it hit me, everybody is looking for a come up and we go freely along with the flow. Change perspectives for a second. Gas prices go up $4 and we complain as we reach into our pockets and PAY. The information  is out there but as long as the chain is broken we are exposed and unprotected. So in nature we learn to adapt we learn to extract what is not necessary in order to survive. We desire not be exploited. Sure we illegally parked for 3.5 minutes-The tow truck driver is forced to aggressively scour the parking lots for the desperate- The economy is in the can and it just plain sucked to be me at that moment.

Lesson: If you expose yourself to outside forces expect to be exploited. If you can prevent exploitation expect be satisfied.

To Bump or Shake that is the Question?

Okay Okay Okay I have had it with the confusion and this awkward reach with hands clinched and then open, and then clinched again only to meet in a tangled handshake. For me it all started with the swine flu epidemic when people started to opt for the "bump" stating it helped prevent the transfer of germs. Okay I can kinda see that, not a problem. But gosh some folks didn't get the memo. I lean in with a bump they lean in with a shake, I switch to shake mode they condense their hand to a fist for the salutation. Then it just looks very awkward and takes all the feeling out of a what used to be such a simple gesture. You might be saying "Doc" you are crazy for this one but this is becoming an epidemic. A silent thief stealing our moment of confirmation. This may be more for my male readers as women are more of the hugging type so if you are a female please continue to read because you are guaranteed a laugh at this end of this one. Anyway so let's decide right now fellas what is it going to be? For me it's simple, the bump is for my boys or after hours. I can't see myself doing the bump with the Deputy Director at my job although it would definately be cool if he got it right and did the little explosion with his hand afterwards. The handshake is a classic and it helps you determine who you are dealing with in some ways. For example if the handshake is weak and limp either the person despises you, has carpal tunnel or is one of those english blokes that is so self absorbed that touching common folks his beneath him. Then there is the vice grip handshake which usually indicates low self esteem, too much Red Bull and Creatine, overcompisation for losing too many slap boxing confrontations as a kid or just a plain sadistic person who likes to see your eyes bulge out from unexpected torment. Finally there is the firm 2 second shake. It has an equal departure and let's you know hey I'm a nice guy, I respect you, I WILL pay you back that $10 I borrowed on time and without excuses, I wash my hands regurlarly, I pay my taxes on time and life is swell......LOL No but seriously get your handshake game plan together fellas let's unite under one united front. Okay? Let's shake on it.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Fought the Bald and the Bald won

Okay I'm going to lay it on the line when I say I'm not a natural bald dude but a dude that was forced into the bald club for men. It all started 4 years ago when my barber said, "Yea man I give you like a year and you are gonna have a bald spot right here". I can remember his pointer finger coldly circling the top of my head like a Sergeant in the war room circling the area of attack on a huge map of the free world. I was in denial of course until one day while at the mall trying on some shirts I stood in one of those 3 sided mirrors where you can see all angles and..... WTF! I was looking at a George Jefferson starter kit on the top of my dome! I felt like I had been going through life with my zipper down all this time. I had a nice shape up and well groomed haircut but on the top i was missing the full head of hair I was so used to having. But what the heck I accepted the cards I was dealt and said okay it's time to go bald MANUALLY. So I cut it off and actually was quite comfortable with the look. But then it made me notice so many other men who for whatever reason just couldn't let go. Some had the wavy or curly hair and probably got attached to the compliments of having "good" hair. Others were probably caught up in the corporate make up where being bald is seen as threating or too much like a skin head if you're Caucasian. This is B.S. I see the worst comb overs, hair implants and toupees on public transportation. I'ts like they feel as though 6 1/2 strands of hair can cover the void that used to house lush fields of filamentous biomaterial. I won't even lie I have had vivid dreams of having long hair and wake up like damn, it was all a dream LOL. We are a very swollen headed society and due that fact company's prey on our lack of self love. So that translates into more Rogain being pumped into the oceans due to our mass consumption of Minoxidil and other hair products. Now everyone may not agree and some may even wish that we lost armpit hair or that needless hair from our butt cracks before our hairlines recede and our bald spots proliferate but hey it's genetics. Live with or without it. If your going bald get Tupac on'm and shave it all off. Steve Harvey had to come out of the Hair Closet after years of wearing a perfectly formed top piece. This is just a thought off the top of my head, bald is the new ________.

Peace Out!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

THIS JUST IN!!! Sorry this is NOT a good LOOK

I think this guy is a awesome basketball player and his game shuts up the mouths who speak ill of his personal life BUT then he goes and takes this picture...SMH

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Head over Heals n Wheels

At around 8:45 AM I was walking from the Metro station headed into work. Deep in thought I traveled my usual route towards my destination when out of nowhere I hear zippp crash!!!! Some guy riding his bike into work hit a pothole and flipped his bike sideways. As soon as his body violently hit the ground he jumped up like in that Dane Cooke bit about the guy who pops right up after getting hit by a car like nothing happens. But this guy shoots straight to his feet and starts screaming F$%^ SH@#!!!! Really, really loud. A bystander picks up the dudes helmet and sheepishly hands it to the infuriated cyclist. Everyone one all four blocks just stand there jowls dropped eyes wide in disbelief. Sure I wanted to laugh after seeing he was okay after all the accident was not cause by some inconsiderate motorist nor was it caused by a oblivious tourist trying to beat the light. It was just good old fashion bad luck. He was probably running late and taking shorts while riding that he normally wouldn't do and when he realized his error he was already kissing asssssphault. And that's why he jumped up cursing because he knew better. Well my friends sometimes when you rush you only hasten the mistakes and the accidents that inadvertently slow us down so that we are in sync with the universe. Ride Safe!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Heeeeeeeeeee's Back!!!

After a long mental trip to Mars to visit A. Leon I am finally back to give you what you have been missing!

Okay so let's chat for a moment. The last time we talked there was more snow in the Metropolitan area than the law would allow, Toyota's were going buck wild and Metro was hiking the fare once again and delivering sub par service. Now we are entering into the warm humid cherry blossom drenched atmosphere in the city where people dress like it's Miami beach with bodies that are bulging and over lapping at every visual exit. He express yourselves, I know how to look away, it's your life so if you want to wear the leather  mini skirt that is inches from your top thigh and a half shirt to show off your belly ring which looks like a keys dangling from a giant brown door, I aint glad at you but I aint mad at you :)

Just remember to stop and breath and take it all in, the stench of burnt rubber from the Metro rail breaks, the pungent smells from the infamous Cherry Blossoms that smell like tuna and butt and the all too familiar body stink from the recently awakened jogging community trapped in tight spaces with hairy arm pits raised reaching out to hold the rail on the train inches from your face.

This is LIFE people. The crap that keeps us awake and charged. So with that said stay tuned and get out and chop down a cherry blossom tree for honest Abe's sake....I know cherry tree cherry blossom tree same difference LOL

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ask A. Leon 2-22-10

Hello A.Leon,

I have a real big crush on my boyfriends sister. She is
so smart and she loves shopping and partying just as
much as I do. If you haven't guessed by now I am
bisexual woman and even though my boyfriend knows this
he would totally freak out if he knew that I longed for
his older sister. I'm 22, he's is 24,she's 27 and I just
totally wanna be with her but I don't want to hurt my
boyfriends feelings. We have been dating for 2 years and
our relationship has kind of hit a dry spell. He doesn't
like to shop but instead spends his money on video games
and his car. You know what he got me for Valentines Day?
I freakin NASCAR Snuggie and a Wii Fit! What is he
trying to say I'm Fat?! His sister sometimes catches me
stairing at her and smiles but I don't know how to
interpret that.I haven't felt this way inside before
about another woman and I don't know what to do.



Greetings Peaches,

Wow what a fruity name. I did a little research before
responding to your email because I feel it is important
to undestand your human terms to better deconstruct your
delinmas. You are like the 2 headed asexual Nirvops in
the Red Sector who cannot choose between plus and minus
genders to reproduce so they eat their own heads in a
fit of indecision. You are in a tight spot Peaches
because you are engaging in a family affair for the lack
of better adjectives and that can be more harmful to
your emotional status if said sister is asked to choose
as you have obviously taken the liberty of doing thus
far. This Snuggie device must be a earthly sign of deep
affections because many earth males are bestowing such
gifts upon their mates in record preportions. I would
reccomend that you close one door before opening another
because if that second door is left open while the
coordinates of a Vectron worm hole are being injected
you could end up alone,in the dark,naked and shivering
with nothing but a proton bar and three qualots in the
fold of your @#$% because you no longer have a wallet
and your!!!.....Oh sorry I just had a terrible flash
back...One moment please....Okay so Please be careful of
what you wish and long for because when you get it, it
may not come with a return reciept, or return coodinates
for that matter.

Regards from Mars,


Weekend Warriors Pt. 1

Are you a weekend warrior? Well first let me define what it is to be a weekend warrior.

Main Entry: weekend warrior

Function: noun
Date: 1981
: a person who participates in a usually physically strenuous activity only on weekends or part-time.

In most cases it's  more of a mental and creative strain on the brain and also the pockets.
Weekend Warriors make extra money, plan events, provide unique services and even travel out of town to seek out untapped markets. In the internet age we are fortunate enough to have a far reaching network but one thing's for sure this does not compensate for good old time. You know? The time you are suppose to spend with your family, or healing and relaxing from the "work" week.

In this economy extra time to most people means more opportunity to make additional money. Hey that water bill is not going to pay itself buddy. So look, you have to get more bang out of your time so this is going to require a few personal adjustments.


1) Stop Bull$%*# online and actually take 30-45 mins to be productive a day. Facebook, Twitter and Myspace are not going anywhere but your potential clients are, to other businesses.
2) Create a Mindmap of all your ideas so that you can see where you are going and what tools and resources are neccessary. Also helps you check off or add based on changing trends.
3) Take small bites so that you can digest the ideas and scope of a project instead of spreading yourself thin and doing a poor job. Dessert taste so much better when it is not rushed :)
4) Know your Allies (Not always a Person or People) and keep them close. So if you work best at 6am before the kids wake up then take advantage of the quiet time and get about 20-30 minutes of work done. Your brain is fresh in the morning as well. Also if you have someone in your corner that really "gets" what you are trying to do and advocates your business without conditions then bring them on board and reward their support. You will find great value in productive partnerships.
5) Don't take No for an answer. Sure it's an Answer but it is NOT the only answer. For every 5 No's there are at least 2 Yes's out there. Let's face it a fool and his or her money will soon part BUT a valued customer parts with his/her money by way of a good product and a good reputation which doesn't come easily.
6) If you have children around let them help you. This does two things, one it allows your kids to see the value in your work and your passion( which are good traits to pass along) and secondly kids say the darndest things and have the most honest questions and as adults we forget what it is like to be the empty glass. A good question can create a great resolution Trust Me.

Okay, I think that is enough for now 7-10 coming in the Pt. 2

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger? Is anybody home?

It speaks for itself. He should have apologized to his wife and family and picked that club back up.

The world is very different now!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

John Mayer is a Human Being

John Mayer has been in the hot seat for the last few weeks due to his comments during a recent Playboy interview . Okay so instead of getting all "Who's right or who's wrong" I am going to say this why is it that when an entertainers says something crazy like this people go nuts and start passing judgement and getting all holier than thou? The guy is interviewing for Playboy not People magazine! He's a musician who has a pretty solid career, who banged Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson did some cool skits with Dave Chappelle show and tongue kissed Perez Hilton just to piss him off. What's makes him the cherub of the free world. Okay before I continue lets look at what as said:

"I don't think I open myself to it," Mayer said of dating black women. "My d--- is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a f-----' David Duke c---. I'm going to start dating separately from my d---."

-Mayer also spoke about "why black people love me."
“Someone asked me the other day, 'What does it feel like now to have a 'hood pass?' " he told Playboy. "And by the way, it's sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a 'hood pass, you could call it a n---a pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a 'hood pass if you really have a 'hood pass? But I said, 'I can't really have a 'hood pass.' I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, 'We're full.' "

Damn people we have homeless people on the street, abused children at home and you want to attack John fuckin Mayer? What about Haiti? What about the economy? What about New Orleans? What about attacking METRO for providing us shitty service before and after apologizing for the inconvenience. I just don't see, wrong or right where waisting time online or on Twitter amounts to anything when it comes to John Mayer's taste in women. Robert DeNiro Loves/prefers black women and you didn't see white women boycotting his movies although they should have for Righteous Kill, Yuck! But seriously, Let's talk to Gucci Mane and all the other Hip Hop icons about degrading the sisters before we come to arms over this guy.

I know my views are not popular but hey If you don't THINK it I won't say it

Dr. Manwine

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brain Fart= The Longaberger 7-story basket building

Just so you all should know a “Brain Fart” is when I cannot think of anything entertaining to say so I search the web for amusing stories or topics that will make you chuckle in your cubicle.

Low and behold the The Longaberger 7-story basket building. That’s right! I did not pull this out my assstine martin this is a real building in Newark, Ohio.

Here’s the skinny. What started out as a dream by Dave Longaberger, Founder of The Longaberger Company, has been built into a giant basket to house the entire corporate offices of the company. Dave believed the idea was one of his best and would draw attention to the company, while simultaneously helping to build our brand. However, when he started spreading the idea of building a Home Office that was really a basket, he found that most people just thought that Dave was making a joke as Dave was a notorious practical joker. Not only did the bankers, architects and construction companies not take Dave seriously, neither did many of the employees who worked for The Longaberger Company, but Dave persevered. One of Dave's most admirable attributes was that when he had a dream and believed in it, he always found a way to accomplish it, and he did. Dave's dream was achieved on December 17, 1997 when the Home Office that is designed to resemble a basket finally opened for business.

In 1998, The Longaberger Home Office also received a Build Ohio Award for its synthetic plaster system. The building is made of stucco over a steel structure, which helps create the look of an actual Longaberger Basket®. The Home Office continues to attract the attention of media from around the world, even as far away as Tokyo.

While the exterior of the Home Office is a marvel in itself, the building's interior is truly breathtaking. A grand staircase, player piano and marble floors are just part of the beautiful décor of the building's seven story atrium. The majority of the cherry woodwork used in the Home Office was harvested from the Longaberger Golf Club in Hanover; dried in our facility; sawed and shaped at our Construction Woodshop; finished in our Construction Paint Booth and installed by our Construction Division.

So if you want to have a romantic picnic but it's raining cats and dogs outside go check this place out and just hope some giant doesn't emerge from the distance with an apetite for little chocolate or vanilla humanoids ;)
Dr. Manwine

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The Blizzard of 2010!
Dear Blizzard,

Hey this is Dr. Manwine and I just wanted to thank you for giving us such a beautiful winter snow storm. It was more than enough and made my life so much better. I was able to throw my back out, pay Pepco a ridiculous amount for heating my home, eat more snacks, grow a beard, sleep more, stay home from work and my favorite, shovel more and more snow. Now I know you didn't mean any harm and hey we probably deserved it. But damn Winter you didn't have to do the east coast like this. So, in the event you decide to come back I will be further south at a pool or at a pool hall but I will not get stuck in long lines at the grocery store or drive clear across town NOT to find a shovel. I will sip my brew and watch you from a far on the News.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Featured artist: Beastman

Beastman (Brad Eastman) is an artist, designer and photographer based in Sydney, Australia. Using acrylic, ink and aerosol he produces intricately detailed artworks depicting a parallel world of scaly skinned, bold outlined, beast-like characters gripped by fear, anger, stress, jealousy, lust, confusion and paranoia.

Years of skateboarding has strongly influenced Beastman's characters, concepts and unique style, developed over a many years of drawing in sketchbooks and shooting photos. Heraldry, symmetry, family, friendship, nature, the ocean, violence, spirits, birth and the afterlife are all themes which are becoming more and more evident in his artwork.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is for my RAVERS

Get out your glow sticks and jump around off beat!

I'm a sucker for Delirium!

Great Song to drive to....But not off a cliff

Button Up! Egadz is crazy for this one

McDonald's We Be Lovin It LOL

This is a throwback but still funny thanks Boloskitchen for this one!


Awesome but Sad.

ADIDAS (All*Day*I*Dream*About*StarWars)

That's Hot!

The Iceman Vs The City of Metropolis

I used to love how Ice Man sprayed that ice side walk through the air when he was going from point A to B BUT I wonder if he ever got sued when them jonts melted and fell on peoples cars and $hyt LOL Just a thought