Monday, November 29, 2010

I Just Quit the NEWS

I'm going on 3 weeks without picking up a newspaper or watching FOX 5 Blues uhhh I mean news. I was reading a book called The 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss where he recommended not reading the newspaper because there is more to be accomplished in the time it takes to read the paper such as reading a book on business or whatever your career goal is focused on. Self improvement etc etc. But he also touched on an important point which is human contact. We can have great conversations about what's going on in the news by just asking " So what's going on in the news today" or "Anything exciting happening in the world today" This will trigger a conversation that does not include a keyboard and a strong cup of coffee. Plus the news can really bum your day out with all its reports of death disasters and peeping Tom's. I want to know what's going on, I do NOT want to know what's going to happen to me if I do this or that. I don't want to live in fear because they just discovered that toothpaste causes cancer or AA batteries emit a faint toxin that will cause men to go bald....Damn that TV remote! LOL....No but seriously in this time I have been able to be surprised by news instead of inundated by it via twitter, facebook, fox 5, and whatever feeds I have pumping into my droid phone.

Good News
  1. Inclement weather forecast tells me to get outta dodge quickly
  2. Metro Delays due to a customer who choked on a Chicken McNugget that he wasn't supposed to be eating ANYway-Expect Delays
  3. Government Offices are Closed... I don't care about the reason I'm in my jammies doing the running man.
  4. They cancelled Skating with the Stars due to new Concussion laws passed by Congress.
Bad News
  1. School Shooting
  2. Public Transportation Shooting
  3. Mailroom Shooting
  4. Shooting another season of American Idol
Well you guys/gals get the point.

Read with your eyes and ears not just with your thumbs and eyes (c) (REMIND ME TO COPYRIGHT THAT)

Is it better to speak to someone and touch them or to txt them and miss them? Happens all the time believe it or not. It gets to be like junk mail. you grab a handful of them and trash them.


Exactly my point!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kanye vs Bush

I think Kanye West  fell victim to the media hype machine that usually surrounds a new album release date or in Diddy's case any product that needs a FREE push in the public eye. George Bush and his "people" had all eyes on the two emotional icons for the release of President Bush's  new book of memoirs called "Decision Points". Didn't get a chance to read it but based on some excerpts it will make a fine door stop in the back of Macambo Lounge. Hey if Kanye's off the cuff comment about Bush was the worst moment of his presidency then I shutter to think what he felt about all those hilarious SNL skits dedicated to his idiocy, I mean tomfoolery. I bet it has him burning up inside.........NOT! Here is the deal, when two presidents respond to Kanye West  [note: President Obama called West a "Jackass"] in a negative fashion either he is doing something right or something wrong (For his career) which is right anyway because that's thousands of new people who were at the verge of forgetting Kanye that now are like "Hmmm let me see what this guy is talking about". We don't care about feelings people we care about sensationalism. Drama. Tragedies that we can witness from thousands of miles away in our safe living rooms. So at the end of the day Bush sold a few more copies of his book because hey he dissed West and West will sell a few more units because this will make folks forget the Taylor Swift incident. It's a win win right?

Monday, November 8, 2010

1 Year Anniversary

November 9th 2009 {Wedding Vows}

I, Dr. Manwine, take you, Sugar Bailey to be my partner, best friend, better half and wife.
I realize now that the compassion and honesty that you have shared with me has changed
my life forever. Waking up to your smile is a satisfaction that is unmatched. I look forward to holding
your paint covered hands as we walk confident on the road less traveled. Our souls were made
to dance so I promise that our sweet music will be everlasting. You make me laugh and even
inspire me to stop and smell the roses. There is something about the way you unconditionally
dedicate yourself to what we have that allows me to trust you with my heart.
I know that the word Love is easy to say, and the act of Loving takes time and patience,
But I promise that the Love I have for you will endure forevermore because it is True.

Looking back on my wedding vows I see that we have endured the highs and lows together. So a year later this is what I have to add....

365 Days (Lovers Calendar)

360 degrees is a complete thought. Round like the ring as a reminder of the simple things
you got me going in circles, day in and day out surrounded by your passion for life
The sun rise reflects in your every breath, warm words and cool heads are bound to intersect.
What we planned we laid down a foundation over land through thick thickets and our bird is in hand.
Smiling little ones, freshly baked confections induce free smiles as the children do their cupcake dance.
Tears for what is difficult yet easier the following day. Holding hands while being plugged into the same 
itunes. Musically stroked into form the words are never too much but just placeholders for fond memories.
Silent car rides speaking telepathically through a glance a smile and a notion.
The framework of our dreams started a year ago today hammering home the first kiss you guessed it WE Nailed It!
Body forming two S's close enough to watch your dreams, kissing your forehead always triggers a smile.
Watching your tears your laughter or your rage for injustice all validate the state that we are in like license plates.
Marriage is not a perfect Science hell it's not always about the English you put on the ball or how you do the Math but more if you learn from your History and move on from the Past.
I want you to trust that I am your Rock over time evolving into fine grains of sand for which you can leave footprints and Love notes.

I Love you Mrs. Taylor!!!

Let's Do It AGAIN