I'm going on 3 weeks without picking up a newspaper or watching FOX 5 Blues uhhh I mean news. I was reading a book called The 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss where he recommended not reading the newspaper because there is more to be accomplished in the time it takes to read the paper such as reading a book on business or whatever your career goal is focused on. Self improvement etc etc. But he also touched on an important point which is human contact. We can have great conversations about what's going on in the news by just asking " So what's going on in the news today" or "Anything exciting happening in the world today" This will trigger a conversation that does not include a keyboard and a strong cup of coffee. Plus the news can really bum your day out with all its reports of death disasters and peeping Tom's. I want to know what's going on, I do NOT want to know what's going to happen to me if I do this or that. I don't want to live in fear because they just discovered that toothpaste causes cancer or AA batteries emit a faint toxin that will cause men to go bald....Damn that TV remote! LOL....No but seriously in this time I have been able to be surprised by news instead of inundated by it via twitter, facebook, fox 5, cnn.com and whatever feeds I have pumping into my droid phone.
Good News
- Inclement weather forecast tells me to get outta dodge quickly
- Metro Delays due to a customer who choked on a Chicken McNugget that he wasn't supposed to be eating ANYway-Expect Delays
- Government Offices are Closed... I don't care about the reason I'm in my jammies doing the running man.
- They cancelled Skating with the Stars due to new Concussion laws passed by Congress.
- School Shooting
- Public Transportation Shooting
- Mailroom Shooting
- Shooting another season of American Idol
Read with your eyes and ears not just with your thumbs and eyes (c) (REMIND ME TO COPYRIGHT THAT)
Is it better to speak to someone and touch them or to txt them and miss them? Happens all the time believe it or not. It gets to be like junk mail. you grab a handful of them and trash them.
Exactly my point!
Well quitting the news for me can never be. I'm too DAMN nosy, LOL. Of course its nothing but bad bad bad but I have to know what that bad is. Its like slowing down to see an accident and causing the traffic to back up for 4 damn miles but you can't help it. The news keeps me connect to all the craziness that goes on even BBC because it keeps me updated on the craziness all over the damn world. It makes me angry, mad, pissed off, frustrated and sometimes I even get a laugh or two. Now that I think about, maybe I need to detox from all the craziness????
ReplyDeleteTry it for 3 weeks and see.