Hey people!
It's been almost 30 days since I have ran my fingers over the keyboard and blessed you with a prescription for life, love and discomfort. Problems with Metro? [check] Problems with traffic? [check] Computer Problems? [CHECK]. I have been all over the place in the last month taking pictures and having some interesting conversations but one thing I have noticed is that there is no shortage of high maintenance, low wattage humans in the world. High maintenance is defined as those that need to be reassured of their worth and their value with an emotional deposit accompanied my a monetary dessert. Low wattage are the folks that are just not that bright in simplest terms. They are the ones who talk text and spread cream cheese on their bagels while driving. They work at the DMV or answer phones at your utility company. Heck they might even be your boss! So navigating through these treacherous waters takes a special type of person. My wife and I came up with a name for these type of people, "OBLIVIONS" Oblivious to how their inability to make a U-turn causes a ripple effect across town. Keep a bird count. How many times are you flipping the bird or better yet how many times has some Oblivion flipped you for laying on the horn to bring attention to their idiocracy? It's amazing! I know this sounds like a negative rant but oh no its an alert to those who just want to get to work or get home on time.
Report your IDIOT aka Oblivion spotting today in the comment section and WIN 30 minutes of LOL
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