Are you a weekend warrior? Well first let me define what it is to be a weekend warrior.
Main Entry: weekend warrior
Function: noun
Date: 1981
: a person who participates in a usually physically strenuous activity only on weekends or part-time.
In most cases it's more of a mental and creative strain on the brain and also the pockets.
Weekend Warriors make extra money, plan events, provide unique services and even travel out of town to seek out untapped markets. In the internet age we are fortunate enough to have a far reaching network but one thing's for sure this does not compensate for good old time. You know? The time you are suppose to spend with your family, or healing and relaxing from the "work" week.
In this economy extra time to most people means more opportunity to make additional money. Hey that water bill is not going to pay itself buddy. So look, you have to get more bang out of your time so this is going to require a few personal adjustments.
1) Stop Bull$%*# online and actually take 30-45 mins to be productive a day. Facebook, Twitter and Myspace are not going anywhere but your potential clients are, to other businesses.
2) Create a Mindmap of all your ideas so that you can see where you are going and what tools and resources are neccessary. Also helps you check off or add based on changing trends.
3) Take small bites so that you can digest the ideas and scope of a project instead of spreading yourself thin and doing a poor job. Dessert taste so much better when it is not rushed :)
4) Know your Allies (Not always a Person or People) and keep them close. So if you work best at 6am before the kids wake up then take advantage of the quiet time and get about 20-30 minutes of work done. Your brain is fresh in the morning as well. Also if you have someone in your corner that really "gets" what you are trying to do and advocates your business without conditions then bring them on board and reward their support. You will find great value in productive partnerships.
5) Don't take No for an answer. Sure it's an Answer but it is NOT the only answer. For every 5 No's there are at least 2 Yes's out there. Let's face it a fool and his or her money will soon part BUT a valued customer parts with his/her money by way of a good product and a good reputation which doesn't come easily.
6) If you have children around let them help you. This does two things, one it allows your kids to see the value in your work and your passion( which are good traits to pass along) and secondly kids say the darndest things and have the most honest questions and as adults we forget what it is like to be the empty glass. A good question can create a great resolution Trust Me.
Okay, I think that is enough for now 7-10 coming in the Pt. 2
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