Friday, April 2, 2010

Heeeeeeeeeee's Back!!!

After a long mental trip to Mars to visit A. Leon I am finally back to give you what you have been missing!

Okay so let's chat for a moment. The last time we talked there was more snow in the Metropolitan area than the law would allow, Toyota's were going buck wild and Metro was hiking the fare once again and delivering sub par service. Now we are entering into the warm humid cherry blossom drenched atmosphere in the city where people dress like it's Miami beach with bodies that are bulging and over lapping at every visual exit. He express yourselves, I know how to look away, it's your life so if you want to wear the leather  mini skirt that is inches from your top thigh and a half shirt to show off your belly ring which looks like a keys dangling from a giant brown door, I aint glad at you but I aint mad at you :)

Just remember to stop and breath and take it all in, the stench of burnt rubber from the Metro rail breaks, the pungent smells from the infamous Cherry Blossoms that smell like tuna and butt and the all too familiar body stink from the recently awakened jogging community trapped in tight spaces with hairy arm pits raised reaching out to hold the rail on the train inches from your face.

This is LIFE people. The crap that keeps us awake and charged. So with that said stay tuned and get out and chop down a cherry blossom tree for honest Abe's sake....I know cherry tree cherry blossom tree same difference LOL

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