Saturday, February 13, 2010


The Blizzard of 2010!
Dear Blizzard,

Hey this is Dr. Manwine and I just wanted to thank you for giving us such a beautiful winter snow storm. It was more than enough and made my life so much better. I was able to throw my back out, pay Pepco a ridiculous amount for heating my home, eat more snacks, grow a beard, sleep more, stay home from work and my favorite, shovel more and more snow. Now I know you didn't mean any harm and hey we probably deserved it. But damn Winter you didn't have to do the east coast like this. So, in the event you decide to come back I will be further south at a pool or at a pool hall but I will not get stuck in long lines at the grocery store or drive clear across town NOT to find a shovel. I will sip my brew and watch you from a far on the News.


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