Monday, January 25, 2010

You know ur a tool when....

  1. You forget your own kids birthdays

  2. You owe someone money and you make them feel bad for having to ask for it back

  3. You never ever ever replace the toilet paper when you snatch the last sheet to wipe your selfesh a$$

  4. You don't move your bag out of the seat but can see that the bus or train is fool and you look at people with an "I wish you would snarl"

  5. You treat your employees, siblings or public servants like $h!t

  6. Don't pay your child support but want to make decisions in the child's life

  7. You tell secrets, Tell Lies and pass them off as secrets

  8. You don't giveto charity

  9. Don't let people pass in the fast lane but instist on driving 4 miles below the speed limit

  10. You leave crappy disrespectful comments on blogs just because

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