Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Head over Heals n Wheels

At around 8:45 AM I was walking from the Metro station headed into work. Deep in thought I traveled my usual route towards my destination when out of nowhere I hear zippp crash!!!! Some guy riding his bike into work hit a pothole and flipped his bike sideways. As soon as his body violently hit the ground he jumped up like in that Dane Cooke bit about the guy who pops right up after getting hit by a car like nothing happens. But this guy shoots straight to his feet and starts screaming F$%^ SH@#!!!! Really, really loud. A bystander picks up the dudes helmet and sheepishly hands it to the infuriated cyclist. Everyone one all four blocks just stand there jowls dropped eyes wide in disbelief. Sure I wanted to laugh after seeing he was okay after all the accident was not cause by some inconsiderate motorist nor was it caused by a oblivious tourist trying to beat the light. It was just good old fashion bad luck. He was probably running late and taking shorts while riding that he normally wouldn't do and when he realized his error he was already kissing asssssphault. And that's why he jumped up cursing because he knew better. Well my friends sometimes when you rush you only hasten the mistakes and the accidents that inadvertently slow us down so that we are in sync with the universe. Ride Safe!

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